A downloadable game for Windows

Developed a simple stealth game using C++ in Unreal engine


  • AI enemies’ senses noises  
  • Use projectiles only to distract enemy, cannot kill  
  • AI Enemy can be Idle, Suspicious or Alerted: Game over if Alerted.  
  • Multiplayer Ready  
  • Game Objective is to extract loot to the 'extraction zone'

Game Over if you get caught!


StealthGame_EXE.zip 146 MB

Install instructions

For Multiplayer:

Port Forwarding

To configure port forwarding, you need to access your router's interface through the web browser. More Info.
  1. Run the program cmd (Win key + R, then type cmd in the textbox).
  2. Once inside the terminal, type ipconfig.
  3. Write down the IP address of your default gateway. That should be your router's IP.
  4. Also write down your own IP (IPv4 Address).
  5. Open the browser and type the IP.
  6. Log into your router, and look for a tab or menu called “Applications & Gaming,” “Advanced,” “Port Forwarding/Port Triggering,” “NAT/QoS,” or something similar.
  7. Setup a port forwarding for UDP port 7777. Don't forget to save/activate the port forwarding.

In-game console commands

Once port forwarding is ready the host have to set up your console comands in-game.
  1. Once in-game, press the tilde key ~ to open the console commands.
  2. The host will type in open FirstPersonExample?listen.
  3. Then guest player, your friend, will type in open THEIR IP:7777 in the command console.
  4. There might be a chance that you are not able to connect to your friend or vice versa and that might be due to your router rules like certain routers have strict net rules preventing you from connecting